Our Impact

Many Hands Make Light Work

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “No work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” As a club, we hold this truth close to our hearts as we do good work for those in need.

2023: Our Year in Service

  • Children’s Nature Playscape: Donated $25,000 for the Learning Pavilion
  • Salvation Army: Bell ringing raised $2,600
  • Pretty Lake Camp: Tag Day participation raised $5,514
  • Pretty Lake Camp: Participated in 2 hands-on clean-up sessions
  • Pretty Lake Camp: General fund donation of $2,500
  • Children’s Hospitals Donations: Donated $1,500 state-wide  
  • Milwood Little League: Provided $525 to sponsor the team 
  • Aktion Club: Provided financial support of $640
  • KPS Dictionary Project: 965 distributed to 4th graders costing $3,780
  • BUGs (Bring-Up-Grades) Program: KPS elementary school donation of $200
  • Constance Brown: Donation of $1,500 for newborn hearing screenings
  • Gospel Mission: Donation of $485 for Sunrise Kids Breakfast
  • Loy Norrix Key Club: Provided $1,250 in financial support
  • Ready to Read: Gave $500 for reading programs for 1-3 year olds
  • Literacy Lake: Gave $540 for adult literacy programs 
  • Rotary Club Collaboration: Provided 60 Thanksgiving Dinners
  • Leadership Service: Members serve on 1 commission, 31 organization boards, 16 committees, and more!
  • Weekly Presentations: 47 opportunities to be engaged in the community

Join Us

The need for more hands is ever-present. Consider becoming a member and contributing to your community. You can make a difference!

Do you have questions about how to become a member? You can contact us anytime with your questions.
